Finden Sie schnell obi treppenstufen holz für Ihr Unternehmen: 52 Ergebnisse

Einzigartige moderne Holztreppen aus arcus-Produktion

Einzigartige moderne Holztreppen aus arcus-Produktion

Erleben Sie die vielfältigen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten mit der freitragenden Bolzentreppe. Bolzentreppen gehören zu den freitragenden Treppen. Die auch Tragbolzentreppe genannte Konstruktion steht für Leichtigkeit und Transparenz. Frei zu schweben scheinen die modernen Designtreppen aus Holz und schaffen lichtdurchflutete Wohnräume oder Treppenhäuser. Dank der besonderen filigranen, statisch freitragende Konstruktion, kann die Bolzentreppe auch ohne Geländer gebaut werden. Je nach Konstruktion sind die Stufen einseitig an einer Wange oder einem Holm befestigt. Auf der anderen Seite werden die Treppenstufen durch Bolzen auseinandergehalten, weswegen sie den Namen Bolzentreppe trägt. Seltener findet man die Zweibolzentreppe, die auf beiden Seiten Bolzen besitzt. Sie sehen: Die Bolzentreppe bietet viele verschiedene individuelle Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten.
Raumspartreppen zum Dachboden

Raumspartreppen zum Dachboden

Sicherheit und modernes Design für den Dachbodenausbau - das lässt keine Wünsche offen Wollen Sie Ihren Dachboden ausbauen und als zusätzlichen Wohnraum intensiver nutzen? Reicht der Platz für eine raumsparende Treppe herkömmlicher Bauweise nicht aus, kommt die schmale Raumspartreppe zum Einsatz. Mit ihr lässt sich der Dachboden bequemer und sicherer erreichen als über eine Einschubtreppe. Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten Raum einzusparen und ebenso viele Ausführungen der Raumspartreppen für den Dachbodenzugang. Gibt es in Ihrer Wohnung oder Ihrem Haus eine besondere Raumsituation, fertigen wir Speziallösungen an. Gerne beraten wir Sie umfangreich zu Raumspartreppen passend zu Ihren räumlichen Vorgaben. Raumspartreppen ausprobieren Kommen Sie in eines unserer Treppenstudios Sie sollten diese Art von Treppen auf jeden Fall einmal probegehen, bevor Sie sich für sie entscheiden. Es ist nicht jedermanns Sache diese Treppen zu steigen. Kommen Sie zum Anschauen, Anfassen und Ausprobieren in unser Studio in Hückeswagen oder Holzwickede. Mit der Raumspartreppe gewinnen Sie Raum und erhalten eine moderne Treppe, die für Sie angenehm zu begehen ist.
Bolzentreppen – Trend

Bolzentreppen – Trend

Klar und leicht, bezaubernd und filigran - so lässt das Wesen der Bolzentreppe am besten beschreiben. Bolzentreppen wirken, als würden sie vom Geländer getragen. Ihre besonders dynamischer Charakter verleiht Räumen einen gewissen schwungvollen Akzent. Die Bolzentreppe gehört zu den freitragenden Treppen, bei denen nur eine Seite durch Bolzen an der Wand befestigt wird. Das Geheimnis der Bolzentreppe liegt in ihrer Großzügigkeit. Große Freiflächen zwischen den Stufen schenken dem Blick Weite, da das Auge den Raum dahinter erfassen kann. Einfallendes Licht wird durch Bolzentreppen optimal genutzt. Die Bolzentreppe ist der Favorit aller, die moderne und schlichte Eleganz schätzen. Die unterschiedlichsten Materialien und Hölzer lassen sich stilvoll miteinander kombinieren. Ein gekonnter Materialmix verwandelt die Bolzentreppe in ein den Raum schmückendes Kunstwerk.
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x5mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x15mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D5 siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x2mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x3mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D25x5mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D100-50x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D30x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x3mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 40x18x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x1mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x5mm siliver: silver
Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded Nd-Fe-B products are the key parts of micro motors and sensors, and their application fields include automobile, household appliances, industrial automation, office automation, encoder, medical health, etc. 1.Bonded NdFeB Magnets Molded magnet: Nd-Fe-B alloy magnetic powder and adhesive are mixed in proportion, granulated and pressed in the mold. The product has the following characteristics: 1) High dimensional accuracy of products: one-time molding can meet the accuracy requirements, and generally no machining is required 2) Large freedom of product form: it can be made into magnets in the shape of rings, cylinders, discs, tiles, blocks and special shapes. 3) Excellent magnetic properties: the magnetic energy product is three times that of anisotropic ferrite, with high intrinsic coercivity, simple process, short process, stable magnetic properties and good consistency in mass production. 4) The magnetization methods are flexible and diverse: axial, radial and radial magnetization, oblique magnetization, etc 5) Good corrosion resistance, good surface quality: the product surface has epoxy resin coating, excellent corrosion resistance. China: Germary gram: kg D30x10mm: D10x10mm block: block
Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded Nd-Fe-B products are the key parts of micro motors and sensors, and their application fields include automobile, household appliances, industrial automation, office automation, encoder, medical health, etc. 1.Bonded NdFeB Magnets Molded magnet: Nd-Fe-B alloy magnetic powder and adhesive are mixed in proportion, granulated and pressed in the mold. The product has the following characteristics: 1) High dimensional accuracy of products: one-time molding can meet the accuracy requirements, and generally no machining is required 2) Large freedom of product form: it can be made into magnets in the shape of rings, cylinders, discs, tiles, blocks and special shapes. 3) Excellent magnetic properties: the magnetic energy product is three times that of anisotropic ferrite, with high intrinsic coercivity, simple process, short process, stable magnetic properties and good consistency in mass production. 4) The magnetization methods are flexible and diverse: axial, radial and radial magnetization, oblique magnetization, etc 5) Good corrosion resistance, good surface quality: the product surface has epoxy resin coating, excellent corrosion resistance. China: Germary gram: kg D30x10mm: D5x3mm block: block
GC-flange light

GC-flange light

GC-flange light: Wirtschaftliche Beheizung für niedrigere Leistungen. Heizpatronenflansch Wirtschaftliche Beheizung für niedrigere Leistungen Die leichtverdichteten Heizflansche GC-flange light haben sich seit Jahrzehnten in der Praxis bewährt. Durch die hohe Wandstärke der eingesetzten Heizpatronen von bis zu 2,1 mm bieten Sie eine hohe Widerstandskraft gegen Korrosion und mechanische Belastungen auch bei der Beheizung von aggressiven Medien. Die lange Eintauchtiefe von bis zu 4500 mm ermöglicht die wirtschaftliche Beheizung auch großer Behälter.
Cree CXA2530 Cree CXA2530

Cree CXA2530 Cree CXA2530

Außendurchmesser: 111mm Innendurchmesser: 102mm Höhe: 66.4mm ALUNOVA® LED sphärische Facetten 2x 20° = 40° Artikelnummer: 113241050101


Der flexible Rohrheizkörper GC-flex wird als „D-shape“ (Querschnitt gleicht dem Buchstaben D) oder „square“ (quadratischer Querschnitt). Flexibler Rohrheizkörper Der flexible Rohrheizkörper GC-flex wird als „D-shape“ (Querschnitt gleicht dem Buchstaben D) oder „square“ (quadratischer Querschnitt) gestreckt in zahlreichen Abmessungen ab Lager geliefert und kann mittels eines Werkzeuges, beispielsweise des GC-flex toolset, in nahezu jeder beliebigen 2D- oder 3D-Kontur in eine vorhandene Nut eingebogen werden. Der Außenmantel, bestehend aus einem Reinnickelgeflecht, passt sich jeder Biegung an und drückt sich gleichmäßig an die Oberfläche der Nut. Dies garantiert eine optimale Wärmeübertragung bei hoher mechanischer Belastbarkeit.